Hvis du overlater din norsk-spanske oversettelse til oss, vil dokumentene dine bli oversatt av en profesjonell oversetter som oppfyller kravene i vårt ISO 9001-/ISO 17100-sertifiserte system for kvalitetsstyring og har erfaring i fagområdet som dokumentene omhandler. Vi kan imidlertid også tilby oversettelser i over 1500 andre språkkombinasjoner, inkludert kombinasjoner av minoritetsspråk. LinguaVox er spesialister i oversettelser fra norsk til spansk og fra spansk til norsk.

LinguaVox OVERSETTELSER OVERSETTELSESBYRÅ Besides, we translate documents for many state enterprises, as well as for the leading industrial and defense enterprises of the Russian Federation. Our partners and clients are hundreds of Russian and foreign companies and thousands of citizens of the Russian Federation and other countries. The main objective of our company is continuous quality assurance process and availability of services for different groups of clients. We have a great experience of long-term cooperation and within the framework of this cooperation we render services on multilingual support of corporate clients. We perform translations almost from all of the world’s languages into Russian language and from Russian language into these languages. There are more than 203, 000 of completed orders of different scope by the beginning of 2021. Our Company offers services of experts specializing in different fields, graduates of almost all famous higher education and scientific-research institutions of the Russian Federation. Our primary activity is translation of scientific and technical documentation. We help you ensure your message is understood worldwide!īAUMAN MSTU TRANSLATIONS CENTER OF SCIENTIFIC AND BUSINESS PAPERSīauman MSTU Translation Centre of Scientific and Business Papers was established in 1992. Since 1989, we have supported companies in a wide range of sectors, from the medical and pharmaceutical industry through the economic, legal and financial sectors to marketing agencies and software, app and gaming providers.

#Japansk oversetter professional#
In addition to professional technical translations, expert proofreading and interpreting, we off the following services: machine translations, digital marketing, subtitling, scoring, transcription, localisation of e-learning, websites and online shops, trans-creation and copywriting. Our quality management process is ISO 9001 certified and SSL-encrypted data exchange also ensures secure work processes. As an international full-service language service provider, we offer our customers individual solutions tailored to their needs. We at ACT love languages – which is why multi-lingual translation and localisation projects are our passion.